• Published On: July 10, 2024|3.2 min read|

    The Merits of Accessing Your Pension Commencement Lump Sum in Stages

    As you approach retirement, one of the significant decisions you'll face is how to access your pension commencement lump sum (PCLS). While it might be tempting to take the entire amount in one go, there are several benefits to accessing your PCLS in stages.

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  • Published On: June 27, 2024|1.3 min read|

    A new online tool has launched to check your state pension benefit

    No more National Insurance nightmares! The UK Government's new online tool simplifies checking and topping up your NI record. Here's how...

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  • Published On: May 26, 2023|4.7 min read|

    Navigating UAE Succession Law: A Guide for Expats

    The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has become a popular destination for expatriates seeking new opportunities and a vibrant lifestyle. However, when it comes to matters of succession and inheritance, ex-pats residing in the UAE need to be aware of the unique legal framework in place.

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  • Published On: April 18, 2023|2.7 min read|

    The Removal of the Lifetime Allowance Limit. What does it mean for my Pension?

    In the Spring Budget of 2023, Chancellor of the Exchequer announced the removal of the Lifetime Allowance (LTA) for pension contributions. This decision has sparked a lot of controversy and debate, as it has significant implications for pension savers in the UK.

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  • Published On: November 18, 2022|3.4 min read|

    Have you exceeded the Lifetime Allowance?

    Should you continue to make pension contributions? With steady decreases in the value of the LTA over time. More and more individuals are finding themselves in excess of the lifetime allowance prior to their planned retirement.

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  • Published On: November 14, 2022|4.1 min read|

    CETV values 2023

    The impact of rising interest rates on defined benefit transfer values is marked.  With economists forecasting further interest rate rises in the UK in an attempt to tame inflation further drops in transfer values should be expected. 

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  • Published On: November 2, 2022|5.4 min read|

    The UK / UAE Double Taxation Treaty. How to access your UK pension.

    With increasing, mobility and collaboration between the UK and UAE employers and employees have welcomed the introduction of the double taxation agreement (DTA). The Double Taxation Convention entered into force between the UK and the UAE on 25 December 2016. The Convention took effect with regard to taxes withheld at source, in respect of amounts paid or credited on or after 1 January 2017.

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  • Published On: October 14, 2022|2.9 min read|

    Interest rates are rising. What will this mean for your CETV?

    What's been happening to pension transfer values in 2022? If you are considering a pension transfer and are wondering how recent economic changes may impact your final salary pension's cash equivalent transfer value, read on!

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  • Published On: August 22, 2022|3.5 min read|

    Do You Want a Million Pound Retirement Fund?

    Could you create a million-pound pension? It might be easier than you think, with some clever saving and investment habits!

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  • Published On: August 22, 2022|2.8 min read|

    Do you Know Where all Your Pensions Are?

    Your pension is an asset, just like your home, and other investments. So, when you die, you’ll want to make sure that your family and loved ones are able to make use of anything that you have left in your pension pot.

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  • Published On: May 10, 2022|3.5 min read|

    Passing on your Pension

    Your pension is an asset, just like your home, and other investments. So, when you die, you’ll want to make sure that your family and loved ones are able to make use of anything that you have left in your pension pot.

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  • Published On: May 3, 2022|3.4 min read|

    Pension Transfer Values in 2022

    Record numbers of people have been transferring out of their defined benefit pension schemes in exchange for a fixed pot of money known as the CETV, or cash equivalent transfer value. But more recently values have, in some cases been declining slightly. So what’s in store for pension transfer values in 2022.

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  • Published On: April 5, 2022|2.6 min read|

    How Your Pension Can Help Mitigate Inheritance Tax

    Inheritance tax can seem like a particularly cruel charge at a time of grief. There are ways of reducing the tax burden, however, and a pension can play an important part in that.

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  • Published On: March 24, 2022|4.8 min read|

    How to Increase Your Pension Lifetime Allowance

    If your retirement savings look like they could be nearing the Pension Lifetime Allowance, you might be wondering if there are ways to avoid paying the hefty LTA tax charges that are applied.

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  • Published On: February 23, 2022|3.5 min read|

    How much money do I need for retirement?

    The amount of money you’ll need to enjoy a retirement free from financial constraints will vary depending on your circumstances and retirement plans. There are various sources of advice that can guide you on the best ways to save, and the best ways to draw income from your saving pots in the future. But ultimately, you’ll only get it right by considering all the different variables for your unique position.

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  • Published On: February 23, 2022|3.2 min read|

    How will an increase in interest rates affect CETVs

    Interest rates and Cash Equivalent Transfer Values (CETV’s) are indirectly linked, meaning that any change in rates can have a knock-on effect that may eventually mean an adjustment in your CETV. If you are considering a pension transfer and are wondering how recent economic changes may impact the cash equivalent transfer value of your final salary pension, read on!

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  • Published On: January 5, 2022|4.9 min read|

    Transferring a Pension

    If you are considering transferring your pension, there are many things to consider. Find out more about your options in our article.

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  • Published On: January 5, 2022|4.5 min read|

    Pension Advice – The Basics

    The world of UK pension schemes can be incredibly overwhelming, especially if you’re unsure about what it is that you need, or which type of scheme can suit you best. Which is why we are here to help!

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