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Why AES?
There are many financial advisers that you could choose to work with. We know you have a bewildering variety of choice and it can be one of the biggest decisions you will ever make. So, why choose us?
Here’s the thing: We’re not advisers. We’re planners. We help you plan to achieve your goals for the life you want. We’re here to support you through life’s adventures. Life is a journey and so is your financial plan.

Jessica Cook LLB (Hons) Chartered MCSI
Private Client Adviser, Pensions Specialist
Meet Jessica Cook
It starts with a client’s life and ends with their investments, not the other way round. Helping people live rich and without regrets, rather than dying rich and with regrets. To help people improve their lives by bringing truth, understanding, and discipline to the choices they make every day.
I’m Jessica Cook, Wealth Adviser to international professionals and families across the globe. Featured in the 2022 Times Newspapers’ Guide to the UK’s top-rated Financial Advisers.
My background is law, and a former career with the Financial Times. I’m also a regular financial columnist for multiple publications.
Working in partnership at AES International as a Private Client Adviser means delivering the next generation of demonstrably beneficial services to our clients and creating positive change.
I work with absolute integrity and dedication to my clients’ needs. With an ongoing commitment to providing professional excellence in every aspect of the advisory role.