• Published On: May 23, 2024|1.5 min read|

    Why cash isn’t king

    Have you ever wondered why investing in the stock market can yield higher returns than just keeping your money in a savings account or fixed-term deposit? The answer lies in the Equity Risk Premium (ERP).

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  • Published On: March 19, 2024|1.5 min read|

    Creating Financial Independence

    The journey towards financial freedom is a marathon, demanding patience, discipline, optimism, and regular progress checks.

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  • Published On: March 13, 2024|1.5 min read|

    Why you should confront the elephant of inheritance in your family

    Inheritances could be a ticking time bomb in family dynamics. But you can dodge family squabbles and pricey legal battles.

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  • Published On: March 11, 2024|1.6 min read|

    Why completing a beneficiary form for your pensions is essential

    Did you know that your Will doesn't directly cover the money in your pension pots, nor who inherits it? So informing your pension providers about your desired beneficiaries is absolutely essential.

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  • Published On: March 9, 2024|1.5 min read|

    Understanding the new lumpsum rules following the abolishment of the lifetime allowance

    Savers could potentially DOUBLE the tax-free amount they can withdraw from their pensions, due to a potential new loophole created under incoming rule changes in the Finance Bill.

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  • Published On: January 18, 2024|2 min read|

    Plan don’t predict

    Don’t try to outguess and predict the markets—go with them, even when that means tolerating and being prepared to live through some short-term disappointments. Instead, have a plan - Odds are you’ll have a better investment experience in the long run.

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  • Published On: August 9, 2023|3.8 min read|

    How much can I withdraw from my pension and investment in retirement? Balancing Income and capital Preservation

    Finding the right balance between enjoying a comfortable retirement and preserving your savings requires careful planning and consideration.

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  • Published On: August 9, 2023|3.3 min read|

    Advantages of Offshore Bonds for UK Expats

    In this blog post, we will explore the advantages of offshore bonds for UK expats and why they are worth considering as part of a comprehensive financial strategy.

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  • Published On: July 28, 2023|3.9 min read|

    How lifestyle financial planning helps address the persistent question of having enough

    The process of lifestyle financial planning goes far deeper than products or investment returns. These are merely the tip of the iceberg. Instead, it's about creating a deeper connection with clients.

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  • Published On: July 21, 2023|3 min read|

    Unraveling the Mysteries of Investment Risk: A Comprehensive Guide

    In this blog, we will explore the various types of investment risk that investors should be aware of to make informed decisions and safeguard their financial future.

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  • Published On: July 21, 2023|2.9 min read|

    Decoding Risk Appetite: How Financial Advisers Determine Client Risk Tolerance

    Determining a client's risk appetite is a critical step in crafting a well-suited and personalized investment strategy. Financial advisers use a combination of risk tolerance questionnaires, assessment of investment knowledge, consideration of financial goals, evaluation of the client's current financial situation, and understanding emotional factors to gauge risk appetite accurately.

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  • Published On: July 10, 2023|4.3 min read|

    What is a family investment company and how can it be used for generational wealth planning?

    A family investment company (FIC) is a legal entity that is specifically designed for wealth management and succession planning within a family.

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  • Published On: June 26, 2023|3 min read|

    Unlocking Your Financial Future: The Path to Wealth Mastery

    Achieving wealth mastery is a journey that goes beyond mere accumulation. In this blog, we'll explore the concept of wealth mastery and uncover the essential steps to unlock your financial future.

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  • Published On: April 19, 2023|2.5 min read|

    How Does a Financial Adviser Add Value?

    Financial advisers can be valuable resources for individuals seeking to manage their money and achieve their financial goals. While many people believe that financial advisers simply provide investment advice, they actually offer a range of services that can help their clients achieve financial success. In this blog, we’ll explore how financial advisers add value and the benefits they can offer.

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  • Published On: April 19, 2023|2.4 min read|

    Common problems bankers face when looking after their own wealth

    Bankers tend to be experts in managing other people's money, but when it comes to their own finances, they can encounter unique challenges that require careful attention. Despite their financial expertise, bankers are not immune to common wealth management problems. In this blog, we'll explore some of the most common issues bankers face when looking after their own wealth.

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  • Published On: April 19, 2023|2.4 min read|

    Generational Wealth Transfer for UK Residents 2023

    As the population in the UK ages, many families are faced with the challenge of transferring their wealth to the next generation. This process is known as intergenerational wealth transfer and can have significant implications for both the giver and the receiver. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the key considerations for UK residents looking to transfer their wealth in 2023.

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  • Published On: September 20, 2022|1.9 min read|

    Martin and Sue

    Wanted to reduce inheritance tax and ensure their money remained in the family

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  • Published On: September 16, 2022|1.9 min read|

    David – A CEO of a telecommunications company

    Seeking help planning his retirement

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