• Published On: July 3, 2024|2.4 min read|

    Understanding Inheritance Tax for UK Domicles: What You Need to Know

    Inheritance tax (IHT) is a topic that often causes concern, but understanding it can help you plan more effectively for the future. Here’s a concise overview of what you need to know about inheritance tax, how it works, and ways to manage it.

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  • Published On: June 27, 2024|1.9 min read|

    Ever thought about what you would do with your winnings if you won the lottery?

    Who exactly can you share your lottery winnings with, and are there any implications if you decide to generously split the jackpot with your nearest and dearest? 

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  • Published On: March 13, 2024|1.5 min read|

    Why you should confront the elephant of inheritance in your family

    Inheritances could be a ticking time bomb in family dynamics. But you can dodge family squabbles and pricey legal battles.

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  • Published On: March 11, 2024|1.6 min read|

    Why completing a beneficiary form for your pensions is essential

    Did you know that your Will doesn't directly cover the money in your pension pots, nor who inherits it? So informing your pension providers about your desired beneficiaries is absolutely essential.

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  • Published On: January 18, 2024|2.2 min read|

    Why you need to know about the UK Inheritance Tax 14-Year Rule

    Most of us have heard about the 7-year gifting rule in relation to UK IHT planning. But the '7-year rule' isn't the whole picture. You need to know about the '14-year rule' Here's why ..

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  • Published On: October 30, 2023|1.2 min read|

    Gifting out of Surplus income to mitigate IHT

    Did you know, that in the UK, gifting out of surplus income is a powerful strategy to mitigate Inheritance Tax (IHT) without the 7-year rule? 

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  • Published On: July 10, 2023|4.3 min read|

    What is a family investment company and how can it be used for generational wealth planning?

    A family investment company (FIC) is a legal entity that is specifically designed for wealth management and succession planning within a family.

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  • Published On: June 26, 2023|2.8 min read|

    Your Legacy: The Importance of Writing a Will

    In this blog, we delve into the importance of writing a will, emphasizing the benefits it provides to both you and your loved ones.

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  • Published On: June 21, 2023|3 min read|

    Securing Your Legacy: The Importance of a Nomination Beneficiary Form

    There's one critical aspect that often gets overlooked—the nomination beneficiary form. While it may sound technical and insignificant, this simple document holds tremendous significance in safeguarding your legacy.

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  • Published On: June 21, 2023|3.2 min read|

    Navigating the Probate Process in the UK: A Comprehensive Guide

    Understanding the steps involved in the probate process can help you navigate this often complex and lengthy procedure. In this comprehensive guide, we will outline the probable process in the UK, shedding light on the key steps involved.

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  • Published On: June 5, 2023|3.9 min read|

Establishing a Domicile of Choice: A Guide to Finding Your Legal Home

    Your domicile, often referred to as your legal home, holds significant implications for various legal matters, including taxation, inheritance, and jurisdictional matters. While your domicile is typically determined by your place of birth or origin, it is possible to establish a domicile of choice in a different location.

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  • Published On: April 19, 2023|2.5 min read|

    How Does a Financial Adviser Add Value?

    Financial advisers can be valuable resources for individuals seeking to manage their money and achieve their financial goals. While many people believe that financial advisers simply provide investment advice, they actually offer a range of services that can help their clients achieve financial success. In this blog, we’ll explore how financial advisers add value and the benefits they can offer.

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  • Published On: May 10, 2022|3.5 min read|

    Passing on your Pension

    Your pension is an asset, just like your home, and other investments. So, when you die, you’ll want to make sure that your family and loved ones are able to make use of anything that you have left in your pension pot.

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  • Published On: April 5, 2022|2.6 min read|

    How Your Pension Can Help Mitigate Inheritance Tax

    Inheritance tax can seem like a particularly cruel charge at a time of grief. There are ways of reducing the tax burden, however, and a pension can play an important part in that.

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  • Published On: January 20, 2022|4.9 min read|

    How to Use Life Insurance to Mitigate Inheritance Tax

    If your total combined assets including your life insurance exceed the inheritance tax threshold, your beneficiaries will have to pay the inheritance tax due before they are able to gain access to your estate. The life insurance, alongside other assets, will also need to go through probate, which can take months, if not longer to complete. Luckily, there are ways to mitigate this.

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  • Published On: November 19, 2021|6.3 min read|

    A Short Guide to UK Inheritance Tax

    These tips and tricks are all great ways to increase the efficiency of your estate after your death.

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